Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Sages Now on "Twitter"

Yes, the Script Sages have begun to "tweet." Check us out on under the handle 'ScriptSages'.

In this day and age, you have to explore all the outlets you can, and Twitter is undeniably one of those avenues.

It also gives us a chance to post our thoughts more frequently. We'll still continue with our weekly blog posts here, but these posts are closer to essays on deeper topics. On Twitter, we'll be able to quickly offer our thoughts on a movie we've seen or a development in the local filmmaking industry. We'll even be able to give quick updates on projects we are writing or considering.

So look for us on Twitter and follow along. We'll be happy to link to anyone else who is on Twitter, so check us out and let's keep the conversation going.

-The Sages

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